There are 80-100 known autoimmune diseases, and most of these diseases have no cure and some require lifelong treatment to ease symptoms. Nearly 4% of the world's population is affected by an autoimmune disease, and studies have found that the US and UK have higher prevalence rates than other countries. It is unknown exactly what triggers the abnormal immune response that occurs in autoimmune disease, however, there are several predisposing and precipitating factors. Some of the known factors are genetics, defects in the immune system affecting T and B cells, tissue damage, gender, diet, exposure to toxins or chemicals, hormones, weight gain, and exposure to viral and bacterial infections. It is estimated that the annual autoimmune disease treatment costs are greater than $100 billion. Since early diagnosis is essential to prevent to organs and complications that negatively impact quality of life, we prioritize research and innovation to increase quality of life, decrease the significant associated costs.